Positives of Coronavirus Lockdown


Year 2020 has begun with a COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. Started from a city of Wuhan in China has spread all over the world in just few months taking so many lives. The whole world has come to standstill as so many cities and countries world over locked down. Indeed it’s an emergency like situation; however let’s check out the positives lockdown has brought along:

  1. People are spending more quality time with their families, kids, parents, grandparents during lockdown; which they generally not able to during their daily busy schedules.
  2. Kids are actually enjoying holidays with not much study or exam pressure. Kids are showing their creative side, exploring their interests and passions.
  3. People are eating more of healthy home cooked food instead of unhealthy junk food.
  4. Family members are sharing work load of household chores with each other.
  5. No early morning alarms to get up early & be ready for school or office.
  6. People are coming forward to help each other in this testing time. More & more people are contributing towards offering food to the poor & needy.
  7. Old pals or distant relatives are getting in touch with each other that earlier lost contacts.
  8. Air Pollution Levels are at all time low. Himachal Pradesh’s Dhauladhar range visible from Jalandhar, Punjab (more than 200 KMs away).
  9. Water Pollution Levels have come down drastically. Rivers like Ganga & Yamuna are in self cleaning mode as Industries are shut means no industrial wastes and also Ghats are closed for visitors.
  10. Number of road accidents & loss of lives due to accidents have been very low.
  11. Earth’s protective layer, the Ozone layer, is showing signs of restoration. Earth is healing.
  12. Around the world, there is a lot less seismic noise, meaning the vibrations generated by cars, trains, buses and people going about their daily lives is making Earth vibrate less.

You may contribute more points which I may have skipped in the comments section below. Your suggestions & feedbacks are always welcome.

As we all know, Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic is still very dangerous, here I am listing few precautions one must undertake to contain spread of Coronavirus:

  • Stay at Home, Stay Safe!
  • Wash your hands regularly with Soap & Water or use alcohol based Hand Sanitizer
  • Don’t sneeze or cough in public, Cover your face with a mask, handkerchief or flexed elbow if you are having cold/cough
  • No Handshake, Join both your hands & Say Namaste
  • Stay connected with your loved ones. Call them over phone or video call. Someone feeling stressed during current lockdown might be waiting for your call
  • Maintain social distancing, avoid gatherings; maintain at least 1 metre distance with other people
  • Exercise, practice yoga
  • Eat Immunity building food items
  • Wash milk packets before cutting the pack
  • Don’t go out unless essential, Avoid morning/evening walks
  • Avoid public transport
  • Take bath & wash clothes after coming back home (go out only if necessary)
  • Keep non perishable items in a box & don’t use for at least 24 hours
  • Came from outside India, stay isolated for at least 14 days
  • Be responsible, don’t post or forward unverified, fake information, rumours on Social Media
  • Stay updated via proper official channels. Follow government guidelines issued from time to time
  • Having symptoms: Fever, Cough, Breathlessness; contact Corona Virus Helpline 1075 or 01123978046
  • Feeling depressed, stressed, anxiety, fear, loneliness; talk to your family, friends whom you can rely on. Still need help for mental health & behavioural issues during lockdown, Call toll-free helpline number 08046110007 of National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS)

Please note, nothing lasts forever, this (Coronavirus Pandemic) will too pass. Future after Coronavirus will be bright & shinny. You & I will come out strong out of this. Be happy. Stay at Home, Stay Safe.

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About Ketan Arora

Ketan Arora is MBA (Marketing & Finance) by qualification & Entrepreneur by profession. After working for more than 8 years in corporate world; Ketan started his own venture Search Engine MasterZ in 2010. Apart from Digital Marketing, Ketan is having interest in travelling & exploring new places, photography, playing cricket & volleyball, learning about latest technology & gadgets etc.

39 thoughts on “Positives of Coronavirus Lockdown

  1. Great Ketan!
    Observations are true but we pray this Covid 19 be a history soon..
    With each others support and by following Govt rules of ataying home is currently the best remidy.

    You deserve an applause..Stay Healthy!

    1. Very true! kids are enjoying this free time at home playing with parents the games which they never got time during school times. Family is rejuvenating, we are eating fresh home cooked food. Lot of positive things we are doing. We should continue to do this even when we are out of this phase. Lets learn something good from this testing time & follow it in future.

  2. Sir,
    May we add that Indians r nw understanding the value of Indian products and rather India has been preparing for IMPORT SUBSTITUTION specially in case of CHINA nd that of MUSLIM COMPANIES.
    Citizens hv cm to know value of SWADESHI
    plz give second thought.

    Sir, a great initiative u v taken….congrats. keep it up.

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